With at least one season of "Real World" or "Road Rules" under their belts (except "Exes" enigma Camila, who had the most fortuitous spring break ever), the competitors of the newest "Challenge" have a pretty solid sense of their public reputations, and we have a pretty firm grasp on what we can expect from each. We know Diem's a sweetheart, Johnny's always the court jester and Aneesa might very well kill you if you piss her off. But you might be surprised by the personae this group of crazy cliff divers and mountain climbers offer up online.
Now that Twitter is as essential to human life as food and water, most Challengers have unsurprisingly joined the trend, and of those, each has something to say about the upcoming game. So that you, as viewers, can successfully follow along with the exes once the show kicks off on Jan. 25, here's a cheat sheet of tweeters by category--the good, the bad and the "What the F*** is he/she talking about?!"
Uplifting tweeters: Rachel's a personal trainer with a penchant for pointing out the beautiful Miami weather, and Emily couldn't be more thrilled to see the Colorado Rockies every time she looks out her window. With Dunbar's self-affirmations in the mix and Leroy's "get up and do it" preaching, this quad will give you all the motivation you need to get up and take on the day (or feel terrible about your sloth by comparison).
Funny tweeters: When the game gets a little too intense, you can count on these guys to make light of the drama. The 140-character posts have never included a serious Johnny sentiment, Jasmine's daily musings keep followers roaring, and Mandi has wit that might surprise viewers who wrote her off as just a dumb blonde.
Dramatic tweeters: You might expect to see Wes here, but the former champ said he's much less inclined to tweet than he used to be. Still, Cara Maria and Paula Walnuts will feed the fire once it's lit--the former with fellow castmates and the latter with hateful fans.
Sweet tweeters: Diem and Priscilla could each effectively make the Grinch's heart explode (what now, Cindy Lou?) so it's no surprise their Twitter accounts are equally saccharin sweet.
WTF tweeters: Let us begin by saying we think Abram, Aneesa and Nate are three smart, articulate people. But we would require the likes of several Clue Jr. decoding magnifying glasses and the key to Pandora's box to understand what their tweets attempt to convey. A few complete thoughts appear on each competitor's page, but usually, they're the exception to the rule, and you'll generally find yourself sinking in a quicksand of "huh?" (but surely an entertaining "huh?"!) with a "follow."
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Photos courtesy of @EmilySchromm and @AbramBoise